Monday, 16 May 2011

The Winner of my Ring Giveaway!

HELLO! First of all I want to thank all of those who participated in my Ring Giveaway!

I loved reading all of your comments and suggestions! Some of you have suggested I do more OOTD's and NOTD's and I will gladly oblige to do so in the near future! I will certainly make efforts to follow your suggestions and hopefully in the coming days you will see a lot of stuff related to fashion!

Ok Now I am going to announce the winner of my giveaway and it is............

Cynthia! of Indian vanity Case!

Congratulations to you!

So Cynthia I request you to email me your details and I will send the ring to you!
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  1. congrats cynthia!! :)

  2. article updated:)

    Read, if you like follow my blog, if you don't then drop a comment:)

    Thanks and regds
    Cool Blogs

  3. OMG! Yay! :)) Thanks Sonali! Will email u soon


  4. Congrats Cynthia!!

  5. Congrats Cynthia


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